Friday, 7 November 2008

Let go- trust God!

Last year when I was in aussieland, my parents and sisters came to visit me. During the weeks that I had my winter break we went to Cairns. One of the days we went on a boat trip to the Barrier Reef to do snorkeling. My sisters and I decided to do Scuba Diving (you don’t have to have a certificate and you hold the instructors hand the whole time you’re under the surface).

Before we headed down on deep water we had to practice on the surface; going up and down a rope learning to breath and swim with the equipment. I became scared, mostly because of the dry air that I had to breathe in but also because I saw a shark (not a dangerous one).
My thoughts started to swirl and I though “I can’t do this, I’ve been snorkeling and seen everything at the surface. The rope is safe; I don’t have to do this”. I basically freaked out. I told the instructor that I was afraid of diving in. He said “Do you trust me?” I answered “Yes I do”. He said “No, do you really trust me? Just hold my hand and trust me” I answered “Okay “(with a small voice)and his final words to me before we went in was “Just trust me”. I decided to trust him, hold his hand and he led me.

What I saw under the surface was amazing; big turtles, corals, finding Nemo fishes and so on. When we came up to the surface again I told him that I thought it was awesome and that I was glad I did it. He answered “Yeah, it wasn’t too bad was it?”

I was stunned by everything I saw and I thanked God for what He has created. While I thanked God He said to me “Emma, that’s all you have to do with me- trust me, hold my hand and I will lead you to places you’ve never seen or even could have imagine”

In Proverbs (ordspråksboken) 16 :9 it says : “ In your heart you plan your life but the Lord decides where your steps will take you”

Sometimes as Christians when God gives us dreams, visions and challenges we only look at the surface and see all the fears and obstacles.Too often we say to God “Please let me hold on to the rope” and we think we already know the things we yet haven’t seen. When we let go of the rope and trust God He will lead us to places we never could have imagine or even dream of. All He asks of us is to take His hand and follow – He’ll fix the rest. He knows what’s under the surface.

Dive in and let go of the rope. Trust Him and He will lead you, even if you’re scared. He can see the potential and beauty in your life that you can’t see!

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