A rainy midsummer day ended up with a clear sky. And I got the chance to be at two very, very different but yet soooo good services. The first one was at Umeå Bibel Center where Harald Höidahl led worship, it was unbelievable good and Gods spirit was so present. After that (around 9ish pm) me and my brothers girlfriend, Bella, went to Norrmjölegården which is a campus in the bush where a lot of churches have summer retreats. We went there to meet up with some friends and ended up having a spontaneous worship/open mic service. And what a service then!!!! I spent the rest of the weekend at UBCs conference(which was awesome!!!!).
God is so amazing and I believe He is stirring up a new generation that is going to have the key role for an upcoming revival here in my country...my nation do need Jesus!!!
Exodus (andra moseboken) 9:16 "But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
...are you living your life for this purpose ?

1 comment:
Wow! TJENA.. man kanske skulle åka upp i norr under sommaren och uppleva det där ljuset... visst är det ljust i sthlm men inte SÅÅ ljust :O
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