Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Micah 6:8

And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

Oh, btw...

I'm back home in Umeå. Pics will come up shortly!

Am I going to die?

On my way back home at the domestic flight between Pittsburgh and New York I honestly thought I was going to die (till I remembered I'm not supposed to die yet). We went through some really bad airpockets and at one point we were all lifted up from our seats and it felt exactly as if you rode "freefall" at an amusement park. Everyone started screaming and one of the flight attendants hit her head and fainted. Before the occurrency we had just had our refreshments; which made all the cups fly up into the ceiling. Yah, I do not want to experience that again!

Friday, 11 September 2009

Natasha Bedingfield

I love her music and lyrics :)

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Isaiah 30:18

Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;
he rises to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him!

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Betapet and uni.

First week at uni is done and so far I’ve survived. The first course I’m taking is called “The roots of Christianity” and it’s pretty much the same as Old and New Testament survey, which is good for me since I’m going to miss out half of the class when I’m going to Gaby!

Well back to Betapet, my new addiction :)